The Difference Between EHR and EMR

Illustration of a Doctor analyzing EHR and EMROne of the technological solutions Fast Chart offers is advanced speech recognition for EHR and EMR. Simplifying clinical documentation is at the base of Fast Chart’s innovative services, but in order to fully comprehend the value of this technology, it’s important to understand the difference between EHR and EMR. While these terms are often used interchangeably, they can require individual solutions. Today we’ll break down the differences between EHR and EMR and explain how Fast Chart’s speech understanding technology can benefit your practice. 


An EMR is short for electronic medical record and is often a paperless patient chart from a practice. About 83% of doctors have adopted EMRs in their practices as a way to monitor a patient’s diagnoses and treatments over time. EMRs also provide a way to keep track of when a patient is due for routine health services and create a more seamless experience with less test duplication and treatment delay. This digital record supplies the practice with valuable information for improving the overall quality of care for both individual patients and entire patient populations within the practice. Surprisingly, despite the technological advances in EMR software and services, only 51% of physicians have reported using the most basic functions in their EMR systems.


EHR stands for electronic health record, and while it also serves as a digital patient chart, it offers a broader scope of the patient’s medical history. An EHR is a valuable digital guide when it comes to all facets of patient care. It provides clinicians with more patient data than an EMR and can offer more information regarding the entire health history of a patient.

The Differences

In essence, the main difference between electronic health records and electronic medical records is that EMRs are limited to the data collected within one particular medical practice, while EHRs contain a patient’s medical history from multiple doctors and can provide a more complete, long-term view of the patient’s medical history. Though an EMR is incredibly useful within the practice and can provide insight for the staff of that practice, it is unlikely to be transferred to a different doctor if the patient decides to switch. An EMR is also typically designed around the unique format of the practice and the corresponding specialty field. If the patient starts seeing a new provider, the EHR is the record transferred along with them.

How Fast Chart Can Help

Despite their technical differences, both EMRs and EHRs are digital records that contain patient health information, which is why Fast Chart’s speech understanding technology is beneficial when it comes to improving health documentation. The speech understanding technology powered by M*Modal is an innovative cloud-based platform that can understand complete physician narratives, not just individual words. This technology allows the physician to speak normally, let the speech dictation do all of the work, and eliminate template-based systems. This solution increases efficiency, productivity, and accuracy for electronic medical records and electronic health records. Your patients rely on you to provide the best possible care, so with Fast Chart’s state-of-the-art technology, you can rest assured that you are not diminishing quality when it comes to keeping their EHR and EMR up to date and precise.

Contact Fast Chart

Fast Chart is a medical transcription company that combines technology, experience, and service to provide the highest quality outsourced clinical documentation. If you have any questions regarding how your practice can improve their EMR/EHR systems with speech understanding technology or how any of our other technologies can help your practice, please call (919) 477-5152 or contact us online.

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