What Is The Difference Between Medical Billing, Coding, And Transcription?

Medical billing, coding, and transcription are all vital components of the healthcare industry, each serving a distinct purpose in managing patient records, financial transactions, and the overall efficiency of healthcare facilities. While they share some similarities, there are key differences that set them apart.  Medical Billing, Coding, And Transcription The healthcare industry relies on accurate… Continue Reading

The Importance Of Clinical Documentation Improvement

One of the most important aspects of patient care is clinical documentation. In addition to validating that the care was provided, it shares important information with caregivers and optimizes claims processing. Clinical documentation improvement (CDI) is a must for any healthcare organization, as it recognizes the necessity of complete and accurate patient documentation and helps… Continue Reading

Digital Transcription Services: What Do They Entail

Digital transcription services refer to the process of converting audio or video recordings into written or textual format. With advancements in technology, transcription has evolved from manual typewriting to digital platforms, making the process faster, more accurate, and more efficient. These services find applications in various industries, with a large emphasis in the realm of… Continue Reading

Transcription Course 101: Becoming A Medical Transcriptionist

Becoming a medical transcriptionist can be an excellent career choice for those with keen attention to detail and a passion for healthcare. Medical transcriptionists are responsible for transcribing doctors’ notes and dictations into accurate and readable documents for patient records. At Fast Chart, we follow an easy, straightforward medical transcription process that allows users to… Continue Reading

6 Ways Medical Transcription Outsourcing Can Benefit Hospitals

In the past decade, many hospitals have made the smart decision to outsource their medical transcription. Yet that may leave you wondering just how medical transcription outsourcing can benefit hospitals. One of the main demands in the healthcare industry is an increased need for higher-quality documentation of medical records— cue medical transcription outsourcing.  Medical Transcription… Continue Reading

Is Working From Home Right For Me?

One of the benefits of a career in medical transcription is working from home. When you work as a medical transcriptionist, you can perform your job in the comfort of your own kitchen, living room, or home office. In addition, you can avoid the expense and hassle that comes with long commutes and professional attire.… Continue Reading

The Medical Transcription Process Explained

Medical transcription involves a medical transcriptionist listening to audio files recorded by medical professionals and transcribing these files into a document while checking for errors. The transcription process plays a very significant role in the healthcare industry by saving physicians and other medical professionals a great deal of time and effort, which allows them to… Continue Reading

Surgical Centers And Medical Transcription Services

Just as clinics and hospitals, specialty surgical centers also require reliable medical transcription services. Medical transcription should be ideally sought from transcription companies that have long-standing reputations that offer value-added services to their clients. When medical transcription is outsourced to such a provider, specialty surgical centers have the potential to gain considerable benefits. Medical Transcription… Continue Reading

Medical Transcription Services: The Power of Proofreading

To err may be human, but when it comes to the healthcare industry, there is little room for error. With medical transcription in the realm of healthcare, details, accuracy and practices such as proofreading are of the utmost importance. Many doctors rely on this transcripted information in order to facilitate the transfer of information between… Continue Reading

How Medical Transcription Services Have Changed Over the Years

The ever-evolving medical transcription industry has undergone a variety of changes over the past several years. Factors such as regulations, advancements in technology, and workflow modifications all contribute to the way the industry has flourished. At Fast Chart, we make it a priority to stay updated on the latest trends in medical documentation so that… Continue Reading

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